Saturday, July 9, 2011

At only one year she was abandoned at the hospital. She couldn't speak to tell anyone who her guardian was or what they looked like or if they would be back. A few days passed and she found herself in a yard full of other children her size and ladies she didn't know. Every day she is loved, fed, and cared for but it's not enough. She goes down the slide laughing the entire way and lands in my arms. She places her arms around my neck and points back to the slide. She is my friend and I see Jesus in her. "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Hassan is around 15 years old and calls my name from across the street. He runs to me and immediately asks where I'm going and I reply "market" and without hesitation from either of us we walk together hand in hand. On our way he makes sure I don't get hit by cars or ripped off by local vendors. Hassan knows the streets well because he lives there and most days he likes it that way. He has big dreams of being a taxi driver and going to America. With the little money he gets from begging or selling soap, Hassan will buy me popcorn not expecting anything in return and when I give him money for it he says "don't mind". Hassan is my friend and I see Jesus in him. "This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. "

I follow the sound of humming sewing machines through the loud, muddy market. "Auntie M, you're most welcome!" comes from a small blue stall. We greet each other with hugs and hand shakes as I make my way to an empty spot on the floor. We spill our insides and chat like we've known each other for a lifetime when really it's been only a year or a few months, even a few weeks. Each of us from different backgrounds, tribes, and religions but we love each other. These ladies are my friends and I see Jesus in them. "The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry."

Jaja Pius loves serving her family. She wraps her grandchild in a blanket and ties the baby to her back as she digs in the garden. She walks barefoot through the village and greets everyone along her way. I bring her some beans or fish and she kneels down to thank me and I get down on my knees and rub her back. Jaja Pius is my friend and I see Jesus in her."The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned"

I spend my days staring Jesus right in the face.
Every day is different but every day He's there calling my name, seeking my attention.
Some days I refuse to look back - I don't acknowledge His good and perfect gifts...His people.
Some days It's all I can do to keep from falling flat on my face before Him...hugging His people.

Everyday is different but every day He's there calling my name, seeking my attention.
"...I saw God face to face and He spared my life."
He's there looking back at us - even on the hardest days.
Turn your eyes to makes all the difference.